When selecting a tile for your project, it’s not only important to find the right colors, shape and design, it’s also important to select the right rating. Tiles should be chosen based on their use and in what area they will be installed. Some tiles should only be used for indoor applications just as others should only be installed outdoors. Using a series of standardized tests, tiles are rated by hardness according to the Mohs scale. This scale can help you determine what tile you need for the project you’re considering.
The Porcelain Enamel Institute hardness ratings are:
Group I Light Traffic: Residential bathroom floors where bare or stockinged feet are most common.
Group II Medium Traffic: Home interiors where little abrasion occurs; don’t use in kitchens or entries where traffic is heaviest.
Group III Medium-Heavy Traffic: Any home interior. A great all-purpose tile.
Group IV Heavy Traffic: Homes or light-to-medium commercial areas.
Group V Extra-Heavy Traffic: Use it anywhere. Perfect for heavy commercial areas.
To find the tile rating that is perfect for your application contact our offices in San Jose, CA today. We have custom tile in various ratings that will be perfect for your needs.